What do you get with our Payroll service?

We will save you tremendous amount of time comparing to self-calculating wages and compliance with statutory changes. The automated process for payroll calculation is much simpler and easier to conduct.

  • Payroll calculation for employees
  • Calculation of total taxes and contributions (at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the employee)
  • Calculation of salaries for sick leave for up to 30 days, sick leave for more than 30 days, maternity leave, etc.
  • Calculation, preparation of forms and business plan for subsidies to the National Employment Service
  • Calculation of loan suspension and administrative bans
  • Calculation for wage suspension, calculation for incentives or disincentives
  • Forming and sending electronic payment orders
  • Creation of electronic tax returns and forms (OD, OPJ, OPJ1 – OPJ8)
  • Submission of signed forms of tax returns to the Tax Administration and the Republic Institute for Social Welfare
  • Records of all settlements and payments (form M-4 and form PPP, their filling in and submission to the competent institutions)
  • Submitting electronic reports

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